Displayed at Nikko Hotel, Kuala Lumpur

We were given the privilege to display our products at the Nikko Hotel's Bridals' Fair, Kuala Lumpur on the 3rd and 4th of October, 2009. The above are some of the pictures taken.

上头仪式 -男家 / 女家 (Groom's and Bride's Hair Dressing Ceremony)

上头仪式用品 -男家 (Items Needed)
上头梳 Wedding Comb
圆镜 Round Mirror
子孙尺 Wedding Ruler
剪刀 Red Scissors
双喜巾 Double Happiness Face Towel
龙凤礼烛 Dragon&Phoenix Candles
上头衣 Pajamas
Hair dressing ceremony has to be done at midnight before the "Big Day" or the wedding day.
The usual procedures are as follows :
Before the time, the groom should clean himself usually by bathing with some pomelo leafs or just with with some flowers. This is believed will clean the body from all the evil spirit. After that, you will need to put on all the new clothing that usually comes in white color for the hair dressing ceremony.
Next, you will have to pay a respect to your ancestor and need to tell them that your name, the date that you will be marrying and invite them to come for the banquet. This is very important. As long as I know, without them, you won't be here in this world. No matter how, we need to inform our ancestor that we are getting married. For some people that who don't worship ancestral any more might still need to prepare a "Temporary Ancestor's Worshiping"
After that, the Groom will have to sit down facing inside the house or the back will be facing the front door. Just keep in mind that the boy will be always facing inside before you start the ceremony. Start by having your mother to help you to comb your hair by saying a few phrase of auspicious words for example like this. First comb is combing from the beginning down until the end of the hair. Second comb is for wishing them living until the ripe old age or to the age of gray hair. The third come is for them to have lots of children after they got married.
Once the combing is done, just use the scissors to trim a little bit of the hair to drop down to the floor the the ceremony can be considered as completed.
Note: The Bride side can only start the ceremony half an hour after the Groom has completed his ceremony.

上头仪式用品 -女家 (Bride's preparation)
(Items Needed)
上头梳 Wedding Comb
圆镜 Round Mirror
子孙尺 Wedding Ruler
红绳 Red Thread
剪刀 Red Scissors
双喜巾 Double Happiness Face Towel
龙凤礼烛 Dragon&Phoenix Candles
海棠粉(女) Perfume Press Powder (Bride)
针线(女) Sewing Kit(Bride)
多仔福(女) 8Boys Pin Cushion (Bride)
上头衣 Pajamas

The very first step of bathing and wearing new clothing is exactly the same as the groom's. The only different is this process has to start at least half a hour later after the groom completed his. Worshiping the ancestors also is a must and it is very important by letting them the name of yours and the date that you will get married on and have them to give you the good blessing. Next will be the facing position while doing the ceremony. The bride will have to face out of a window from the house or the back will have to face inside of the house. This position is totally opposite from the groom's side. Keep this in mind. After this, the process will be similar to the grooms.

Bed Setting Ceremony (安床仪式)

Items needed to prepare:

京果 : 龙眼干。红枣。莲子。百合。吉饼 1 set Dried Fruits)
喜糖 一包 (Candies)
子孙尺 (Wedding Ruler)
缘钱 - Fate Coins)
红孩儿 (Baby Boy)
床头结婚公仔/ 鸳鸯 (Wedding Couplets)
x2 ( not included)

Bed settings procedures: Groom's preparation.
An Auspicious date needed to be pluck first. Do remember that when you need to choose an Auspicious Date for your big Wedding Day, always keep in mine that you can also request for the date to do you bed setting and the Betrothal Date. This is very important. Once you have the date, all you need is to prepare the above items. Try to find a couple that have been leading a good life for example, those who still have father and mother and have children. If you really cannot find one, then your parents will be good enough. Ask them to do these few things for you:
1. Move the bed from the original position a little bit will do.
2. Place the Dragon and Phoenix wedding Bed-sheet in place. Don't forget that it must be a new bed-sheet.
3. Place a red tray fill with these items, Baby boy, candies,orangesx2,wedding ruler,pine leaf and a set of dried fruits as mentioned above.
4. Place the wedding bed lamp into the position.
The above are the main step to be done by them. Once this are done, you must, I repeat, you must thank them for helping by return a red packet to them.

The rest of the things to do, you can always find someone else to help you like decorating the room by sticking Double Happiness stickers to the wardrobe or some where else. Then by putting your new clothing in to the wardrobe first before your bride's clothing.
Once finished decorating, the room should be lock and no one can go inside until the bid day arrives.

Note: The bride should not be around the house during this ceremony.

Bride's preparation:
Items included are part of the bride's dowry.

红屐 /红喜地板鞋(同偕到老)Wooden Clogs
喜盘 :面盘。口杯。子孙桶。圆盘, Baby盘
床头灯 - (计后香灯) Wedding Bedside Lamp
龙凤被 /夫妻枕头/双喜枕巾 Wedding Bed-sheet
首饰锦盒 Jewelry Box

The above items should also be decorated inside the room.

女家-回礼 Bride - (Return Gifts)


一些礼饼, 18个发糕, 两瓶橙汁, 瓜子(象征早生贵子), 莲子百合(象征百年好合),
蜜枣(象征甜甜蜜蜜), 龙眼, 茶叶, 8粒柑, 8粒苹果, 一并送往准新郎的家.

橙汁一对 Carbonated Orange Juice x2
龙凤 衣食碗 Wedding Bowl/Spoon
龙风筷子 Double Happiness Chopsticks
旺碳一对-旺夫益子 Paired Charcoal
双喜毛巾 (给家公家婆)Double Happiness Towels
五谷-五谷丰收 Five Color Seeds

The above items are needed for the bride side to return to the groom on the Betrothal Ceremony Day. Other than this, the bride should also return half of each of the items that the Groom brings in on that day. Items are stated in the Betrothal Gifts post.

A short video clip from You Tube

男家 过大礼

一般定在婚礼的一至两个星期前. 准新郎的近亲在择定的吉时良辰把礼金
和礼品送往准新娘的家. 当收到全部的礼金及礼品后, 膜拜神明. 在传统惯
例下, 准新人是严禁食用她所收到的任何礼品. 新娘不能迎接新郎, 过完大

Items that needed to get ready:
Betrothal Grand Money
Liquor/Red Wine/Champagne- 2 bottles
龙凤礼烛 x2 Dragon&Pheonix Candles x2

龙凤香 x2 Dragon&Pheonix Incense x2

茶叶 两包 x2 Tea Leaves Pack x2

京果 : 龙眼干。红枣。莲子。百合 x2 Dried-Fruits 2Set
四式糖: 喜糖, 吉饼, 东瓜糖, 冰糖 X2 Candies

长寿面 X2 Long Life Noodles x2

聘金红包 + 开车门礼金+姐妹礼金 etc Red Packets
过礼蓝 Basket

金椰子 X2 Gold Coconut x2 (optional)

红布 九尺 (女家) Red Door Banner 9Ft

红布 九尺九 (男家) Red Door Banner 9Ft9
Fruits- example 18 pieces of oranges- the bride should return 9 pieces.

The bride should return half of whatever listed above to the groom on that day including the Return Gift basket and orange juice.